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3 Ornamental Plants Most Like to Eat Iron, Understand It’s Fun to Take Care of Green Plants

Every tree have different growth behavior. Therefore, if you are growing houseplants, you need to find out which plants you are growing prefer acidic or alkaline soil, neutral or acidic soil. Only then can we properly care for bonsai so that it is fertile and blooms brilliantly.

Otherwise, no matter how easy and healthy the tree is, the bonsai will wither and die in just a few moments.

Most houseplants use acidic, iron-rich soil for greener leaves and flowers. Many bonsai lovers know the pH of the soil and the elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are necessary for plant growth.

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But they easily ignored the iron in the ground. And this is often the reason why many people can’t keep their bonsai fertile, the leaves slowly wither, the flowers wither.

Here are some ornamental plants that like to “eat iron”, sometimes need to be “given” a little color in order to grow well, bloom abundantly, full of life.

3 ornamental plants like to “eat” iron the most

1. Bonsai for

Many people say that gardenias are very difficult to grow. And one of the difficult things is that this bonsai is prone to yellowing of the leaves. As soon as gardenia trees turn yellow, many growers panic and don’t know how to deal with them.

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In fact, the bonsai phenomenon that produces yellow leaves is caused by a lack of iron. Of course, yellow leaves have other causes. But as long as you observe yellowing leaves and green veins, it is an iron deficiency.

The cause of iron deficiency is basically the cause of soil alkalinization, if left unchecked, gardenia will slowly stop growing, eventually becoming a dry plant that can only be thrown in the trash.

2. Decorative jasmine flowers

Jasmine is a popular houseplant, prefers acidic soil, rich in iron. And if the soil is neutral or alkaline, the new young leaves will turn yellow, the branches are thin and soft, the leaves are not shiny, the growth is slow, not to mention flowering.

If your home jasmine exhibits any of these symptoms, check the potting soil.

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If you are not serious and do not handle it on time, this bonsai will look stiff, less resistant, susceptible to disease and insect pests.

The cause of this series of diseases is alkaline soil and iron deficiency.

3. Rhododendron bonsai

Talking about acid-loving plants, of course rhododendrons are indispensable. However, few people know that rhododendrons also like iron. The effect of iron is to help stimulate the flowering of azaleas.

Therefore, for azaleas to grow well, acidic soil and iron are two necessary factors. If you grow azalea bonsai, you should know this.

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The fact that azalea leaves are yellow and white, especially new leaves is largely due to the alkaline soil and iron deficiency. If the growth retardation of seedlings, even the death of plants, can basically indicate that the soil has been very alkaline.

Such azaleas are very fragile and cannot withstand any external forces, they die very easily.

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In fact, most flowers grown in the home environment are flowers that like acid. Besides those mentioned above, there are camellias, orchids, evening primroses, hydrangeas, etc., which also need to be cared for and protected. with acidic soil.

For these acid-loving flowers, only the potting soil is moistened and the iron element is reduced, the same phenomenon will occur in the flowers above. So how to solve this?

How to improve alkaline soil, add iron to help bonsai grow

1. Improve the quality of the basin soil

When growing ornamental plants it is necessary to determine plants that love acid or alkaline, potting soil prepared for planting must meet the requirements and high quality. Potted plants are different from plants grown in the ground.

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Some flowers and houseplants that grow in soil can be maintained normally, but if they are potted plants, they will not grow despite being very fertile initially. That’s because the soil in the pot in a long time will degrade, nutrients will fade, ornamental plants will lack many of the elements needed to grow.

Therefore, you need to use special humus soil, humus soil, peat soil, etc. to ensure bonsai growing conditions.

2. Use Acid Fertilizer

During the process of growing bonsai in pots, due to watering, fertilizing and other reasons, the potting soil will gradually become alkaline and lack iron. The visual response is yellowing, white, etc.

Currently, the best way is to change the potting soil, but to replace the potting soil in some unsuitable seasons, we can add some acid fertilizer to the potting soil to “save” it first.

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Acid inorganic fertilizer

Many bonsai fertilizers now have a pH note, when fertilizing bonsai, we deliberately use an acid fertilizer, which not only provides nutrients for the flowers but also reduces the level of soil alkalinization.

If the potting soil is very alkaline and the houseplant is also showing signs of iron deficiency, a professional iron supplement such as ferrous sulfate should be used.

After the dilution is complete, direct irrigation, once a week, continuously for 1 month, can substantially reduce the symptoms of alkaline soil and iron deficiency.

Acid organic fertilizer

As a biodegradable organic fertilizer, this organic fertilizer is rich in trace elements, not only can it be mixed with a certain amount as a basic fertilizer when growing ornamental plants in pots, but also be used as a general fertilizer. .

You need to dilute the fertilizer with water into the nutrient solution, use it for irrigation, it can be said that organic fertilizer is an excellent fertilizer for growing flowers, if it is not convenient to do it yourself at home, you can also buy it. about fertilizing flowers.

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3. Turn the pot over and change the soil

In spring and fall, periods of vigorous flower growth are the perfect time for flowers to repot and amend the soil. In general, spring is the best time to repot and replace the soil for bonsai.

In spring, the strong vitality of bonsai can quickly restore growth, limit the damage caused by repotting and changing soil, and heal wounds quickly.

In addition to houseplants with rhizomes and roots, when repotting or changing the soil, it is important to keep 1/3 to 1/2 of the soil to protect the roots, do not replace the soil with bare roots. This is a way to supplement the iron element so that the bonsai grows strong and blooms a lot.

In addition, there are many other flowers that like to “eat” iron, but when growing ornamental plants, you must know to help “replenish” iron when needed for ornamental plants, to help plants stay green, flower abundantly, emit a fragrant aroma.

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