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What are the health benefits of coriander? Does eating coriander lose milk?

Origin and characteristics of coriander

Coriander has the scientific name Coriandrum sativum L. It is a very familiar plant in our lives. They are also known by many common names such as coriander, coriander, coriander, … This vegetable appears a lot in everyday cooking, as a seasoning to add to food, it should be tastier.

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Image of coriander plant

Coriander is native to West Asia, extending to Africa. Later, they gradually became popular and were introduced to many tropical countries, including Vietnam.

In some Asian countries such as India and China, this vegetable is grown on a very large scale for medicinal purposes as well as for essential oil refining, serving the cosmetic industry.

Coriander is a herbaceous plant, with an average height of only 30-50cm. The tree is heavily branched, jagged young leaves sprout from the branches and give off a soft and pleasant aroma.

The plant has the ability to flower, the flowers are white-pink, bloom at the tips, grow in groups together. After the flowers wither will form fruit, round fruit 2-4 mm in diameter, harvested for medicinal purposes or processed into cooking spices.

Different types of coriander today

Coriander is currently divided into several types as follows:

1. Coriander Ta – Coriander

Coriander, also known as coriander, is light green in color, has a mild and pleasant aroma. They are often used to make mixtures of vegetables, herbs, spices for Vietnamese cuisine. It is also the most commonly used vegetable today.

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2. Coriander – Coriander

Also known as coriander plant. This plant comes from China and India. They have elongated leaves, serrated margins, prominent veins in the center and along the leaves. Chinese cilantro is often used in dishes such as bamboo shoot soup, raw vegetables for serving,…

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3. Parsley

They have the scientific name Parsley, belong to the genus Petroleum and have the same uses as the cilantro we have today. However, this vegetable has a dark green color, much darker than tamarind and the leaves are slightly curled. In addition, parsley leaves are also larger in size, favored by European, North American or Middle Eastern countries for use as a cooking spice.

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What are the health benefits of coriander?

Not only a favorite spice, coriander also has many great benefits for human health.

1. Help Lower Blood Sugar

Coriander in general or the seeds when harvested in particular have the ability to help lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, this vegetable is very beneficial for diabetics whose blood sugar is always high. However, people who are taking diabetes medications and have very low blood sugar should consider using this vegetable for treatment.

2. Anti-oxidant, immune booster

Coriander provides a number of active ingredients with high antioxidant capacity, which helps prevent damage to cells in the body caused by harmful free radicals. Thanks to it, our body will become healthier, the immune system is strengthened and strengthened.

3. Beneficial for heart health

According to several scientific studies, coriander extract has the ability to help the body eliminate excess sodium through excretion, so that blood pressure will be stable and balanced. In addition, this vegetable can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, by reducing the amount of harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood vessels.

4. Protects brain health

A study shows that coriander extract can protect the body from damage to the nervous system. This helps prevent the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. In addition, this vegetable can also help control anxiety, making us feel more comfortable.

5. Improve digestion and protect the intestines

Coriander essential oil has the ability to launch the digestive process so that it runs more smoothly and quickly. In some Middle Eastern countries, they use this vegetable to make medicine to help stimulate the appetite of children with anorexia.

6. Anti-infection, anti-inflammatory

Coriander contains an active ingredient called Dodecenal, which has the ability to fight Salmonella bacteria that causes various food poisoning and intestinal diseases in humans. In addition, these vegetable seeds can also fight infections caused by urinary tract bacteria. Thus preventing dangerous urinary tract diseases.

7. Optimal skin protection

Thanks to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, coriander essential oil provides protection to the skin, helps prevent radiation from ultraviolet rays, prevents skin cell damage, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, skin allergies effectively.

8. Easy to add to your daily diet

All parts of the coriander except the roots are edible. However, the stems and leaves of the plant are used more often in cooking than the seeds. The seeds are mostly harvested, dried and then ground into a powder to make cooking spices. You can add vegetables to your family’s regular dishes, or you can use them to accompany salads, salads, pastas, burgers,…

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What is the difference between coriander and its seeds?

As the South Vietnamese call it, coriander is also known as coriander, with “cilantro” referring to the leaves and stems of the plant. In addition, the scientific names of the leaves and seeds are also different, if the stems and leaves are called Cilantro, and the seeds are called Coriander.

The nutritional composition of coriander leaves and seeds is also different, you can compare them in the table below:

You can see that the amount of nutrients in coriander seeds is much more than in the stems and leaves. However, that’s because the leaves and stems contain 92.2% water, while the seeds are only 8.9%. Even so, it remains a nutrient-rich vegetable that cannot be ignored.

Does eating coriander lose milk?

According to many scientific studies, it has been shown that parsley has the ability to reduce the amount of milk pregnant women have after giving birth. Therefore, eating coriander does not cause postpartum milk loss. On the other hand, vegetable grains have the ability to stimulate a woman’s body after giving birth to produce more milk. You can refer to the following oriental medicine recipes:

– 12g coriander seeds, 30g glutinous rice put together to cook the porridge and eat it while it’s still hot.

– 6g of coriander seeds boiled with 100ml of water, then divided and drunk during the day. Use continuously for 3 days to stimulate milk production.

Some ways to use coriander every day

Coriander has several ways of daily use that are very useful, you can consider the following:

1. Eat raw coriander

You can eat coriander raw with other vegetables or you can mix it into a vegetable salad for daily consumption. During the initial processing, you remove all the roots and wash the vegetables in diluted salt water to kill any bacteria.

2. Drink coriander juice

In addition to eating this raw vegetable, you can also squeeze coriander juice to drink every day. Daily use of the juice will give you the following benefits:

– Helps support weight loss, reduces the risk of excess fat formation in the body.

– Treatment of menorrhagia in women.

Helps reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood.

– Diuretic aid.

– Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and beautify the skin.

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Coriander juice is beneficial for health

3. Make a daily dish with coriander

Coriander can also be used to make everyday dishes that you still eat with common ingredients such as eggs, meat, vegetables,… Making a delicious dish will depend on your cooking skills and your creativity.

The dangers of abusing coriander

Although it has many health benefits, if you abuse this vegetable in excess, it will backfire and cause health effects.

1. Causes liver damage

Coriander contains powerful antioxidants that can help protect the liver. However, if you absorb large amounts of this substance, it will cause liver damage, increased bile secretion and liver dysfunction.

2. Causes a decrease in blood pressure

Since cilantro has the ability to remove nitrates from the body, eating too much of this vegetable can cause you to seriously reduce nitrates. This causes blood pressure to drop drastically, possibly leading to unconsciousness.

3. Affects the digestive tract

If you consume too much coriander will cause you to experience indigestion, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting caused by increased acid secretion in the stomach.

4. Affects the respiratory tract

If you have asthma or breathing problems in general, it is best not to eat coriander or use it very sparingly. Because too much use of this vegetable will cause a dry throat, shortness of breath,…

5. Affects the fetus

Coriander is thought to affect female hormones and hormones during pregnancy if eaten in excess. This will affect the development of the fetus, increasing the risk of dangerous birth defects.

Notes when using coriander

To be able to help you use coriander to bring high health benefits, here are some notes when using this vegetable:

– Do not use if you are sensitive or allergic to vegetables in the process of eating and drinking juice. Because it can cause you to develop an itchy rash, atopic dermatitis, …

– If you drink coriander juice daily, do not use more than 200ml of juice per week. If you drink too much, it can increase nausea, stomach irritation, acute stomach pain, …

– If you are experiencing liver problems or are taking liver disease medications, you should absolutely not eat coriander every day. Because this vegetable increases the concentration of bile in the liver.

– After buying coriander, take it, remove the root and wash it with clean water. Then wait until the water has reduced, then store the vegetables in a sealed plastic bag or zip bag then store in the refrigerator.

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