
Overwhelming in every lane, getting stronger with anything

If you’ve noticed a bit, in recent years, Riot has often designed champions League of Legends their own so that they can only be played in a certain role. Even Riot’s balanced orientation is to make new champions only able to be used in predetermined roles, if another playstyle proves to be too strong, they will nerf directly.

Viego's father revealed that he is designing a new Jungler: He is strong in every lane, everything is strong - Photo 1.

Yone was also recently nerfed to top lane when Deadly Tempo was nerfed

For example, Renata Glasc can only be used in Support or Vex always appears as Mid. Strong champions in many positions in the past like Gwen, Viego are all nerfed and can only be used well in one role right now. This will probably continue to apply to the upcoming Jungler from the Void that Riot has teased since early 2022.

Viego's father revealed that he is designing a new Jungler: He is good in every lane, everything is strong - Photo 2.

Vex since debut has always appeared in the mid lane

However Riot Games seems to be trying to break this when the League of Legends champion designer – Riot August recently revealed that he is working on a champion that plays in many positions. Even Riot August shared that this character is being conceived of as strong equipment, regardless of whether it is an item that increases AD, AP or tank.

Viego's father revealed that he is designing a new Jungler champion: He is good in every lane, everything is strong - Photo 3.

Riot August: “Wow, the new Jungler I’m working on is amazing! It’s also incredibly balanced!

I then: Turn it into a champion Top, Mid, Support, ADC and anything in the game is strong.”

It’s not clear if this is a serious announcement but if it is, this new character will be the first champion designed to be played anywhere in League of Legends. If this becomes true, it will create a real fever because in order to do that, Riot must turn this character into a strong champion in a comprehensive way. This seems to be the opposite of the champion balance criteria set by Riot.

Viego's father revealed that he is designing a new Jungler: He is good in every lane, everything is strong - Photo 4.

It’s not clear if Riot August plans to create another version of Viego or not

Therefore, it is likely that the above announcement of Riot August is just a joke and he will not create such an “all-powerful” champion. However, the future of that champion is also difficult to say when in the past, Viego used to be an extremely strong Top, Jungle, and Mid lane champion when he first debuted.

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