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How to make tokbokki with cold rice, authentic Korean rice paper

If you love Korean food, you will definitely not be able to ignore tokbokki. This is a Korean street food that is loved around the world. The way to make tokbokki is not difficult, so you can make it yourself at home without having to buy it from the store.

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Here are 3 ways to make tokbokki using 3 very familiar ingredients: cold rice, flour and rice paper. Let’s learn the recipe with Eva Kitchen right here.

first How to make tokbokki with cold rice

Do not need glutinous flour can still make tokbokki do you believe? Try this cold rice tokbokki recipe.

1.1. What are the ingredients for making tokbokki?

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  • Cold rice: 1-2 bowls (equivalent to 100g)
  • Tapioca flour: 1 small bowl
  • Cheese powder: 1 bowl
  • Types of tools to make tokbokki: Zip bag, pounding pestle, gloves…

1.2. Details of how to make tokbokki with cold rice

Step 1: Puree the rice

  • First, you put 1-2 bowls of prepared cold rice in a zip bag and then pound it with a pestle. When you see the rice cool to form a flexible mixture, stick to your hands.

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Step 2: Mix cold rice

  • After pounding the cold rice, we proceed to mix the mixture.
  • First, you put a little tapioca flour on a cutting board and then let the cold rice puree out.

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  • Put on gloves and proceed to stuff the pounded rice. Slowly add the tapioca flour into the mixture and knead until it forms a soft, smooth dough that doesn’t stick to your hands.

Good tip: Balance the amount of tapioca flour and flour depending on the moisture content of the cold rice. You can slowly add tapioca starch into the rice so you won’t have to worry about the mixture being too dry or too mushy.

Step 3: Squeeze tokbokki

  • Once you have formed a flexible dough, divide the dough into equal parts.
  • Use your hands to roll the dough evenly to form dough bars about ½ of your fingers thick.

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  • Use a knife to divide the dough into bite-sized chunks. Choose the appropriate length depending on the preferences of each person. Usually, cutting about 2 fingers is beautiful.

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Step 4: Processing tokbokki

  • The tokbokki part can be prepared in many different ways. In addition to the traditional way, you can fry and shake it with cheese to eat it is also great.
  • First, put a non-stick pan on the stove and add 1-2 tablespoons of cooking oil here.

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  • Next, add the tokbokki made in step 3 and fry until golden brown on all sides.
  • Take the fried tokbokki to a bowl, add the cheese powder and shake well.
  • The finished product is fried tokbokki with flexible, fragrant cheese that is extremely attractive.

The way to make tokbokki with cold rice is not only easy and cost-effective, but the taste is also particularly delicious.

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The pieces of tokbokki have a beautiful ivory white color. The cake after processing still retains its fragrant plasticity without being friable or crushed. With this tokbokki recipe, you can completely make it yourself at home without spending money like buying it at the supermarket.

2 How to make tokbokki with rice paper

Have you ever thought of using rice paper to make the famous Korean spicy rice cake? Then let’s try how to make tokbokki with rice paper with Eva Kitchen right here.

2.1. How to make tokbokki with rice paper need what?

  • Ingredients for making tokbokki
  • Rice paper: 1 bag (about 200g)

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  • Ingredients for tokbokki
  • Spam canned meat: 1 box
  • Beef loin: 300g
  • Chickpeas: 1 plant
  • Carrot: 1 piece
  • Onion: 1 piece
  • Boiled eggs: 2 eggs
  • Purple onion: 2 pieces
  • Tokbokki sauce seasoning
  • Cooking oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Korean chili sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Seasoning, sugar, salt
  • Roasted sesame

2.2. Steps to make tokbokki with rice paper

Step 1: How to make tokbokki with rice paper

  • Dip the prepared rice paper into a bowl of filtered water to wet the surface of the cake.
  • Place the dipped rice paper on a plate or cutting board. Repeat the same operation with the remaining pieces of rice paper.

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  • Stack 5 pieces of rice paper on top of each other and press tightly. Slowly roll the rice paper back to form a small round bar. Pay attention, use your hands to roll back and forth so that the fixed part of the rice paper does not come off.
  • Use scissors or a knife to cut the cake into bite-sized pieces.

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Step 2: Prepare ingredients

While waiting for the sauce, prepare the ingredients.

  • Onions peeled, cut into slices to taste.
  • Spam canned meat sliced.
  • Carrots are washed, peeled and cut into pieces.
  • Onions washed and finely chopped.
  • Hard-boiled eggs, peeled.

Step 3: Make tokbokki . sauce

  • Put the pot on the stove and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil here.
  • When the oil starts to boil, add the sliced ​​red onion and sauté it until fragrant.
  • Next, in turn, add 2 tablespoons of Korean chili sauce to the island with 1 bowl of filtered water and bring to a boil.
  • Season with ½ teaspoon of seasoning powder, 1.5 teaspoons of sugar, ⅓ teaspoon of salt and mix well.
  • When the sauce is sticky, you in turn add onions, carrots, spam canned meat and pre-prepared chives.

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Step 4: Finish the tokbokki

  • Cover the pot and wait for about 15 minutes, then add American beef bacon, tokbokki with rice paper. Cook for about 2 more minutes, the meat is cooked.
  • You add shrimp noodles to eat together, it is also very attractive.
  • Scoop the rice cakes and other ingredients onto a plate and serve hot. Halve the chicken eggs on top and sprinkle with some roasted sesame to complete the dish.

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How to make tokbokki with rice paper is extremely delicious and easy to make. Although not made with glutinous rice flour in the usual way, tokbokki still has a certain flexibility and toughness. Cooking with tokbokki sauce will increase the deliciousness and attractiveness of the dish.

How to make delicious tokbokki sauce

Good Tokbokki must have a soft, fragrant cake that is not too sticky. In particular, the sauce of this dish must be rich and spicy, making people who eat it once remember forever. There are many ways to make delicious tokbokki sauce, but to prepare Korean, you must immediately refer to the tokbokki sauce recipe below.

1. Make tokbokki with Vietnamese Chinsu Chili Sauce

To make tokbokki with chili sauce, you need to follow these instructions:

1.1. Materials needed

  • Chinsu chili sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic: 1 bulb
  • Honey: 1 teaspoon
  • Soy sauce: 1 spoon
  • Sugar: 1 teaspoon
  • Seasoning powder: 2 tablespoons
  • Filtered water: 1 teaspoon

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1.2. How to make tokbokki sauce with Chinsu chili sauce

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

  • Peel the garlic and mince it.
  • Mix a sauce mixture including: 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of chinsu chili sauce, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of seasoning powder, and 1 teaspoon of filtered water. Use a spatula to mix well to combine the spices.

Step 2: Cook the sauce

  • Put the pan on the stove and add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil.
  • Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant, then pour the mixture in step 1 and stir well.
  • When the sauce comes to a boil, season it again to taste and you’re done.
  • If not using immediately, you can let the sauce cool, then pour into a glass jar and store away for later use.

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2. How to make tokbokki without ketchup

There are many ways to make tokbokki without ketchup, depending on the conditions of each family, choose the appropriate method. Here is a simple sauce recipe that every mother should have in her pocket.

2.1. Tokbokki sauce ingredients

  • Super spicy chili sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Korean chili powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Sesame oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar: 1 teaspoon
  • Filtered water: 500ml
  • Seaweed

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2.2. How to make tokbokki sauce without ketchup

  • Put in a bowl: 2 spoons of chili sauce, 1 spoon of chili powder, 1 spoon of sugar, 2 spoons of sesame oil and mix well with a spoon.
  • Put the pot on the stove, add 500ml of filtered water and a small pinch of seaweed. The addition of seaweed at this step is to make the sauce have a typical taste of Korean food.
  • When the water boils, take out the seaweed and pour in the sauce mixed from step 1. Use chopsticks to stir until the seasoning dissolves in the water.

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  • Bring to a boil, then add the rice cakes and other ingredients to cook together. If not using immediately, let cool and then store in an airtight container. Store in the refrigerator.

So with the ways to make tokbokki and tokbokki sauce that Chef Eva has just shared, I hope that you will choose for yourself a simple, easy and most suitable recipe.

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: Eva.vn – Read the original article here

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