Life Style

The American Way of Life – Lesson VIII The Crisis of 1929

The American Model (American Way of Life) – An expression of a lifestyle that would serve as a self-image reference for most residents of the United States of America. It would be a dominant form of behavior and expression of the nationalist ethos that developed from the 18th century onwards, based on the belief in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable rights of all Americans, according to the Declaration of Independence. You can associate the American way with the American dream. This series includes a range of classes on various subjects related to the elementary school curriculum, for students in elementary, high school and those in the early stages of graduation. Classes are taught by masters and doctors, specialists in the subjects presented. They are designed to be used strategically by the school’s pedagogical coordination in the event that an educator is absent, or even as a dynamic element to enrich certain content taught by the educator. Educators use digital whiteboards and other state-of-the-art technologies to create engaging presentations and improve student learning. Discover the entire CPT Professor Eventual Series, Volume IV, available on DVD. It covers the following topics: Lecture 1 – Legacies from Classical Civilizations to Contemporary Civilization Lecture 2 – Apotheosis of Man Cultural Renaissance and Anthropocentrism Lecture 3 – Land in Sight – Great Navigation and Mercantilism Lecture 4 – The Great Transformation Industrial Revolution and Contradictions of Capitalism World Lecture 5 – Echoes of the Marseillaise – French Revolution Equality, Liberty and Fraternity Lecture 6 – First World War Lecture 7 – The Voice of the Workers Russian Revolution and Russian Foundation Lecture 8 – The 1929 Crisis and the Collapse of Liberalism Lecture 9 – The Triumph of the Will – Totalitarian Regimes Class 10 – Access to WWII


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