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The USA since 1918 – History – Terminal

Do you know the USA? A small country that exports music, films and internet memes. In this video, we ask ourselves a pretty important question in understanding world history: How has American power maintained itself in the world since 1918? ————— The video’s blueprint 1:18 1918-1945 An isolationist first world power 3:59 1945-1991 A Cold War superpower 8:05 Since 1991: the only world energy ? 11:27 Closing 11:46 The Summary ——– A video written by Thomas Mallego, Professor of History/Geography Tom Aguilar (@Tom_Aguilar) Cyrus North (@CyrusNorth) Greg (@Gregoire_A) — – ——— Find L’Antisèche on: Instagram: Twitter:


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