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[LOL / JG]Actually, Garen Jungle is strong.

Garen Jungle is strong. Or rather, cooking can be strong. Hello everyone, my name is Donekifu. I started posting videos every month because I wanted to donate my earnings from YOUTUBE to a place that everyone chooses. Donekifu is now available on Twitch! We will do different things, e.g. B. Record and adjust video footage! Please come and see it! Click here for URL ↓ We opened a server for Donekifu. There are many beginners and they enjoy playing LOL. So when people are wondering what to do first, a friendly onlooker will kindly tell you, so please don’t be afraid to enter! Let’s enjoy LOL together and exchange information! Click here for URL ↓ Twitter has started. I tweet about Donekifu’s everyday life. My LOL video is not a thorough explanation but more of a video that makes you want to touch this champ with the quality of introducing different roles and champs. That’s why I want to level up a specific champion! It may not be suitable for those who say. I hope you can learn how to use champ easy and its strengths from my video and then watch a good person’s video to learn it. I’m well aware that LOL isn’t as good as other video providers, so please refrain from making derogatory comments. If you have a champion that you want to use or explain, I’d love to research various things and create an easy to understand video, so it would be helpful if you could comment. BGM Sakuramochi Luna using it 17:00‼[Elektro]


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