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Wise people always know to avoid these 7 things when they are 30 years old

1. Keep a negative relationship with you

One of the biggest mistakes we make at 30 is to surround ourselves with negative relationships and friendships.

We all have people who are energy wormholes around us. They made it possible to spend hours talking, draining cups of wine in anger and disgust. But there’s no need to face a toxic boss or be in a relationship that’s slowly destroying your soul. You can change because that power is completely within you.

Some people think they need to settle into their 30s because they think taking risks or making bold decisions is for their 20s. However, age is not an excuse for you to maintain relationships, friendships, or jobs that drain your energy.

2. Stick to a job you don’t like

Many people over the age of 30 decide to stick with what they already have, even if they don’t like it. This is really a mistake because this world has so many opportunities waiting for you ahead, regardless of your background or what you have been through.

Are you an architect and want to move on to a new career as an urban planner? These two careers are related and there’s no reason why you can’t make it happen.

Even if you are a software engineer and want to become an artist, you can do so with the right career plan and strategy.

The time you spend worrying about yourself not being good enough or experienced enough for another position is better spent taking on a new role and learning how to grow. Build your confidence to overcome career advancement barriers.

3. Forget about physical health

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The unfortunate truth is that many people when they were young had many health problems. For those who take their health for granted at a young age, 30 years can be a wake-up call. Once health declines, health can decline rapidly. That’s why the age of 30 could be a sign you need to watch out for.

An unhealthy diet with a lot of fat and few green vegetables or a habit of staying up late… all of them need to be changed immediately. Health is something that money cannot buy. Once health is lost, you can almost never get it back. Be healthy. That’s priority number 1. Don’t let your 30s pass you slowly and lazily.

4. Be bitter because you don’t find love

Whether it’s partner love or any kind of love, it’s important to start with self-love first. Love is something where you have no guarantee that you will get everything you want. It is a struggle and a challenge, an immersive experience that unfolds in its own unique way.

When love goes wrong or doesn’t go the way you want it to, you wallow in pain and even think that you are the loneliest person in the world, never being able to meet that person. Don’t make this mistake because that’s how you close the door to happiness, possibly missing the future love of your life.

5. Ignoring personal finances and savings

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Money is very important. Your attitude towards money and the way you use it can make a huge difference in your life and it also reflects a lot about your energy and how you relate to life.

In fact, we all need money when we grow old. If you always squander money and waste money, it will be difficult for you to have a decent life in the future. Financial planning doesn’t sound very exciting, but it is very important. No matter how you want your retirement to be, you have to take care of your finances.

If you always splurge, you can easily end your years of hard work with a high income with a zero savings account with a high amount and run out with no savings in your bank account. Even if you feel very young, retirement is still a long way off, the day will come when you wish you started saving sooner than that.

6. Decide that the future is predetermined

After age 30, it’s easy to begin to feel that the future is predetermined. You may already have a career, a relationship, a home, and more. Remember, many people go through changes throughout their lives and there is no reason for you to force age on everything in your life.

When you’re 30, it doesn’t mean it’s over or you can’t start over. You can change careers, change relationships, and decide exactly what is most important to you. As writer Nicole Sobon once said, “Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go, it’s learning how to start over.”

7. Little contact with family

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Family is always sacred and irreplaceable. One of the biggest mistakes people make after turning 30 is sometimes being too independent. They think it’s only natural that they are adults now and interested in their own lives. Remember that under any circumstances, always do your best to maintain contact with your family.

Life is sometimes too short and you don’t know who you will meet tomorrow. Just because you’re growing up, maturing, and getting older doesn’t mean family relationships are any less important.

30 is a huge milestone, there are many reasons to celebrate but also things to avoid. That’s when you can easily fall back into old habits when the psychological and behavioral patterns formed in childhood become hard to break, 20 year old relationships are toxic but hard to break.

The age of 30 really is a great opportunity, an opportunity for you to seize and decide whether you want to stay the same or change. There is nothing wrong with continuing on your current path and continuing to improve. It’s also great when you’re starting a new path and looking for something new. The decision is up to you.

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: Eva.vn – Read the original article here

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