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9 things to do every day to help your child live independently and confidently from a young age

Raising a child can be likened to a dance that sometimes requires holding them back, other times it’s better to let them roam freely.

Don’t work for me

Because they think children are young, their parents still do some chores instead. However, this thinking has negative consequences in the development of independent personality of children later on.

Doing housework, helping parents with errands, completing their own chores are ways for children to learn how to work and take responsibility. If deprived of these lessons, children will become passive, unable to discover the hidden potentials within.

Encourage even the smallest achievements

Many times parents are so absorbed in their daily activities that they forget about their child’s achievements. It is important to remember that the youngest members of the family need attention and recognition when goals are achieved.

No need for big achievements like winning a soccer tournament or being the champion of a math competition, we’re talking about smaller achievements. As soon as children finish their homework or know how to brush their teeth properly…. it’s enough for parents to give praise. Timely praise will help raise self-esteem, making children feel more confident about themselves.

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Encourage your child to do housework

Involving children in household chores helps them understand what needs to be done to take care of themselves and their families, and gives them the opportunity to understand responsibility. However, not all housework is suitable for children. Check out some suggestions below:

Children from 2 to 3 years old:

Pick up toys and books.

Put the clothes on the hanger.

Arrange food on the dining table.

Children 4 – 5 years old

Serve rice

Help mom prepare meals (under supervision).

Help parents buy or organize groceries.

Children from 6 to 11 years old

Water the garden and house plants.

Throw trash in the trash.

Vacuum or sweep the floor.

Let your child make small decisions for himself

Decision making is one of the most important skills children need to grow up. Ideally, give them some choices to decide on and increase those choices as they grow up. Example: When going to the supermarket with a 3-year-old and asking for snacks, you might say, “You can’t buy everything, but you can choose between soft drinks, candy, or toys.” .

Choosing clothes yourself is also a good method parents should encourage their children. Having the right to choose what belongs to them will help children build confidence, while increasing responsibility for children.



Let your child adopt a pet

Having a pet has many benefits for children’s mental and physical development. However, choosing which species to breed, suitable and ensuring the safety of family members, parents need to consider carefully.

Feeding a pet is a way to teach children to take care of another object. In addition, playing with animals also improves some social skills, as well as understanding love and sharing.

At least once a month give your child a new challenge

Facing challenges is very important for children to feel confident. So a good option is to suggest new challenges that children are capable of overcoming according to their age, ability and development. For example, you could ask your 3-year-old to dress himself, draw a picture, or sing a song.

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Be patient and don’t criticize your efforts

When we do something for the first time, it is easy to make mistakes and have to do it many times until we get what we want. If that happens to us as adults, imagine how often it might happen to children.

Parents need to be patient with their children and praise their efforts instead of criticizing them. Constant criticism and correction will only make children develop a bad image of themselves and feel incapable. When applied in a timely and appropriate manner, praise can be a great tool for boosting your child’s self-esteem.

Listen and explore your child’s fears

Childhood fears are completely normal. However, as adults, we must be aware of our children’s fears, listen to them, and reassure them.

Let your child speak confidently about her innermost feelings and let her know that fear is a natural part of any challenge.

Encourage self-control by believing in your child’s abilities

If you believe that I can do it, I will too. Many parents are used to leading, teaching and guiding their children. We may even think that it is the children who must trust the adults and not vice versa.

Parents should believe more in their children’s strengths and desires, moreover, instill confidence in their children’s abilities. This is the best way to improve self-esteem.

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