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The Way of Life – Chapter 1| Section 1-2 | Kazuo Inamori | 2021 | Henry Pang

UNDERSTANDING the Way of Life – Chapter 1| Section 1-2 Philosophy is a guide to work and life that emerges when we seriously consider fundamental questions such as “What do we, as human beings, consider to be the right choice?”. and “What is the meaning of life?” while trying to overcome various difficulties. This management philosophy has guided Kyocera’s progress to date. The first factor is “the regulations and agreements that constitute the company’s standards”. Included in this factor are the rules and morals that are held within the organization to reflect these management standards. The second factor is “the attitude that the company needs to achieve its goals and objectives”. It describes the specific attitudes and actions required to achieve the company’s ambitious goals. The third factor is “Create a wonderful corporate character”. Just as people have personal character, companies also have social character. The way to win trust and respect around the world is for the company’s “corporate character” to be so impressive that people say, “This is indeed a company with an admirable corporate character.” Although these factors are extremely important to the company are important to further progress, there is a crucial fourth factor that underpins the other three to create the philosophy. This is the element that shows “how to live right” and “how we should behave as human beings”. It expresses the universal truth of life that each of us needs to live better. The most important thing for us is to actively practice the philosophy derived from these four factors in our everyday work and life and not just to preserve it as superficial knowledge. Unremitting efforts in the practice of philosophy elevate the spirit and refine the character. I am convinced that a bright future full of hopes and dreams will surely open up to a group of people who share this philosophy. Follow me: ► Facebook ► whatsapp ►Instagram Free online tips and tutorials on how to talk Hi, my my name is Henrrey and I am a facilitator for events such as weddings, corporate events, private events, as a preview presenter, trainer etc. I have 8+ years of experience and over 1300+ events as a facilitator, speaker, speaker and trainer. I’m doing this channel to share everything I know with those who are looking for methods to learn or improve their public speaking skills. From understanding the basics including the DO’s and Don’ts, speaking engagement, critical thinking, anxiety management, leadership, how to be a better presenter, stage announcer, Facebook Live announcer, coach and much more. Please leave comments if you have any questions about speaking on stage or on camera and I will be happy to answer your questions with all my knowledge. I post videos once every 2-3 days #TheWayOfLife #MakingDreamsComeTrue #kazuoinamori #Speakingtips #speakwithconfidence #Speakingcharisma #Speakingtips #howtospeakwell


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