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Moldy, smelly bathroom, immediately plant these 5 ornamental plants to deodorize and purify the air

Hey, more and more homeowners plant flowers, trees in the house because of the desire to live in a clean, airy space. Types of flowers, trees Not only increases the aesthetics in the space but also has the effect of absorbing odors and harmful gases.

Bathrooms used for a long time are often moldy and have an unpleasant odor. This usually involves drains, flukes, toilets and other places. You can grow several types trees can absorb odors, disinfect, dehumidify and make the air more fresh.

Moldy, smelly bathroom, immediately plant 5 types of plants to deodorize and purify the air - Photo 1.

Trees Mint is a moisture-loving, shade-tolerant plant, suitable for growing in the bathroom.

The environment in the bathroom is humid, the lighting conditions are not good. You should plant moisture-loving, shade-tolerant plants here. Mint is one such plant. Instead of using essential oils, you can grow a mint to disinfect and kill bacteria in the bathroom.

Whether growing hydroponically or growing trees In a pot, mint will still grow well in a bathroom environment. A pot of mint has both decorative and deodorizing effects and helps to improve the wet condition here.

Trees millennium youth

Moldy, smelly bathroom, immediately plant 5 types of plants to deodorize and purify the air - Photo 2.

In fact, trees Millennium Thanh is a very easy plant to live, easy to grow and requires little care.

In fact, trees Millennium Thanh is a very easy plant to live, easy to grow and requires little care. Whether you plant it in the kitchen, bathroom or in the window, the plant is healthy and growing normally.

Bathrooms desperately need a type trees have strong vitality and strong growth capacity.

In the bathroom, trees millennials grow up very quickly. Spend a few tens of thousands to buy a pot trees For thousands of years, after only half a year, you will have a large, green potted plant.

Trees tiger tongue

Moldy, smelly bathroom, immediately plant 5 types of plants to deodorize and purify the air - Photo 3.

Place a pot trees Tiger tongue in the bathroom is a very cool idea.

Placing a potted tiger lily in the bathroom is a very good idea. Trees Tiger tongue is suitable for living in the humid environment of the bathroom. The biggest advantage of trees Tiger tongue is not in its beauty but in its ability to purify the air and absorb harmful gases.

Trees Tiger tongue has even been dubbed the “air purifier”. A potted tiger lily can improve the ambience of a cramped bathroom. When planting trees, you need to bring trees Move the plant to a well-lit place for a while and then move the plant back to the bathroom.

Orchid tree
Moldy, smelly bathroom, immediately plant 5 types of plants to deodorize and purify the air - Photo 4.

It’s great to plant a pot of phalaenopsis in the bathroom.

Orchids have become popular in recent years. This is the type trees has vines, can be grown indoors. In the season, the flowers bloom will give off a fragrant aroma. It’s great to plant a pot of phalaenopsis in the bathroom. You should put the flower pot next to the bathroom window sill.

Although trees This is a shade tolerant plant but flowers also need good light conditions to flower more. The growth cycle of orchids is relatively long, at least 2-3 years for bonsai to flower. Orchids also help absorb moisture and eliminate odors very well.

Aloe vera bonsai

Moldy, smelly bathroom, immediately plant 5 types of plants to deodorize and purify the air - Photo 5.

Aloe vera is also a popular plant for many families because it is easy to grow and reproduce.

Aloe vera is also a popular ornamental plant for many families because it is easy to grow and reproduce. Many families have planted aloe vera plants in the bathroom, but not everyone knows that the plant helps to purify the air and eliminate odors effectively.

Aloe vera plants also adapt well to the environment. Whether living in a well-lit or shaded environment, the plant can grow well. Aloe vera plants can bring unexpected benefits to you and your family, as long as there is enough diffused light and good ventilation.

(According to Sohu)

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