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Lack of orderliness and tidiness can ruin a child’s future

In today’s era, the way of education has changed due to many reasons such as: economic conditions, social circumstances, environment, etc. Most of the parents in the previous generation let their children be independent in this age. everything because they are still busy making a living, living conditions are not high. They let the kids do the work they can.

Today, most families have only 1-2 children, so their economic conditions are not too difficult, and their living standards are improved. Therefore, they pamper and protect their children more. They are afraid that in the process of children working, there will be incidents and fear that they will be tired. They don’t want me to have to do anything.

However, parents do not know that the living environment of children from a young age directly affects later adulthood. Here is a story that makes us think. It is also a common situation in families today.

A certain family lived in the center of Beijing city (China). They have 2 children, a daughter and a son. Sometimes they have to go on business trips, so they often hire a daily maid to take care of 2 children.

The children are not neat and tidy. Toys and clothes are scattered from the living room to the bedroom. The house is always in a state of clutter which makes the babysitter very frustrated. Even the space still smells of leftovers because the children refuse to throw the garbage.

Lack of orderliness and tidiness can destroy children's future: Parents educate as soon as possible, don't let children live in

Illustrated photo.

The maids are more bored because even for personal hygiene, they are also lazy. Children can wear clothes for days without washing them. When they come home from school, they immediately throw their bags on the couch, lie on the sofa and watch TV and refuse to help cook. When they sat down to eat, they didn’t even wash their hands and feet. These things make a bad impression in the eyes of others.

The maid understands that because the couple is too busy making money, it is difficult to have time to take care of the children. They leave early and come home late, their work schedule is constant, so they can’t keep a close eye on their children. Parents are their children’s first teachers and role models. Every word and action of parents directly affects their children. So if children live in a family environment that lacks a neat and tidy education, will their lifestyle be good in the future?

In fact, this situation does not only occur in busy families who do not have time for children. The condition becomes common among young couples who are lazy to do housework. They refuse to clean up, leading to their children living in the “garbage pile”. This inadvertently causes children to learn a bad way of life.

Parents need to know that the difference between orderliness and indiscretion not only affects the present moment but also shapes the personality, style, and lifestyle in the future.

Lack of orderliness and tidiness can destroy children's future: Parents educate as soon as possible, don't let children live in

Teach your children to do things carefully and neatly from an early age. (Illustrated image)

The lack of neatness and orderliness affects the young future?

1. Forming an ugly personality

Children who live in a messy house, cleaned only during Tet holidays are often selfish, lazy and sloppy. Even children are irritable and frustrated because they can’t find the things they need in a mess. At school, children are underestimated by friends and teachers because of negligence. Maybe their friends’ alienation makes them feel lonely, self-deprecating, and guilty.

And when growing up, stepping out into society may be criticized and reprimanded by leaders in the process of working. Such people hardly have the opportunity to advance. If parents do not correct it in time, it will make the situation worse.

2. Lack of sense of crisis, always procrastinating

Children who live in the “garbage pile” are at risk of developing procrastination. This is a difficult “disease” to cure in today’s society. Because in the eyes of children, everything is messy and messy and children have no need to clean up. They often say to themselves: “It’s okay to clean the house tomorrow”, “Let’s do the laundry tomorrow”, “It’s okay to clean things for the weekend”,…

Instead of solving work quickly, children always find excuses for procrastination, excuses for laziness. This is extremely dangerous because this personality will follow the child into adulthood. Children will become people who are always late, solving problems late and affecting others.

Lack of orderliness and tidiness can destroy children's future: Parents educate as soon as possible, don't let children live in

Untidy living inadvertently forms the habit of procrastination for children. (Illustrated image)

What parents need to do to put an end to this situation is immediate change. Parents should not only keep their house clean and tidy, but also need to pay attention to maintaining physical hygiene and dress neatly for their children to follow.

Children need to be guided to arrange things neatly from a young age by simple tasks such as cleaning the house, folding blankets, washing clothes, putting things in the right place, clearing the table after finishing meals. … Teach children not to delay anything and immediately stop saying: “Let’s do it tomorrow!”. Today’s works should have not left till tomorrow. What is simple, can be solved, needs to be done within the day.

Besides, parents should guide their children to focus when working to achieve high results. This contributes to building good character for children such as: Self-discipline, independence, carefulness, meticulousness, cleanliness, etc.

Neat and tidy is an indispensable lesson in the growing up process of children. Parents need to educate early and set a good example for their children. Because living in an unsanitary environment will not help children’s future. nuong-chieu-ma-xue-xoa-cho-qua-20220609100418382.chn

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