
Why is it that with the habit of walking every day, some people live 90 years old, others have more diseases?

According to Boldsky, a daily walking habit will help burn calories, reduce stress, even lose weight, lower blood pressure, fight cancer and prolong life. One study found that overweight women who walked for 50-70 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks lost 1.1 inches in waist circumference and lost 1.5% in body fat.

The best and simplest exercise to improve health is walking. For people over the age of 65, walking about 4 hours a day reduced the rate of cardiovascular disease by 69% and the mortality rate by 73% compared to those who walked for less than 1 hour. However, there are people who also achieve the recommended amount of walking time but feel no better and even have some more knee problems. Here are four reasons that might explain this problem:

1. Excessive walking

For the elderly, walking too much can cause muscle fatigue in the legs, damage to the meniscus of the knee joint. Depending on age and health status, each person should set an appropriate number of steps to walk. According to experts, 30 minutes of walking every night is the best time to improve health as well as relax the body.

Why is it that with the habit of walking every day, some people live 90 years old, others have more diseases?  - Photo 1.

2. Do not warm up before walking

Many people think that walking is a gentle, simple sport, so they often skip the warm-up exercises. However, for those who are inactive, not warming up before walking can make the body suddenly feel dizzy. Moreover, if you warm up before doing sports, the joints on the body will open up, the training effect will be better.

3. Choose the wrong shoe size

For walking in particular or doing sports in general, choosing the wrong shoe size greatly affects exercise, especially causing injuries that hinder exercise. Shock-absorbing sports shoes that are suitable for your foot size will help protect bones and joints when exercising.

Why is it that with the habit of walking every day, some people live 90 years old, others have more diseases?  - Photo 2.

4. Incorrect walking posture

Many people keep walking posture while walking while lowering their heads to the ground. However, this posture affects the meridians cannot dilate, the body does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen, causing people to fall into a state of stress, even sleep at night is affected.

5. Sit down right after your workout

Blood can pool if sitting down immediately after high-speed activity, leading to high-speed activity. Better yet, after a workout, you should stretch your muscles, walk slowly for about 10-15 minutes, then you can freely rest. chn

Tien Yen

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