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Vietnamese quiz: “What water can’t be DRINKED but can be eaten?”

Puzzles are one of the methods used to train the mind and brain. Besides, puzzles are a huge treasure of knowledge that helps us improve our understanding.

Many “viral” puzzles on social networks, given by netizens to challenge IQ, especially trick puzzles can easily “trick” your brain if you simply think in a smart way. often.

Vietnamese quiz: What water can't be DRINKED but can be eaten?  - Even high IQ people are not sure to answer correctly - Photo 1.

Vietnamese quiz: What water can’t be DRINKED but can be eaten?

Back to the Vietnamese quiz above: “Vietnamese quiz: What water can’t be DRINKED but can be eaten?” It is revealed that this type of “water” is not strange at all. In 30 seconds, have you thought of the answer to this Vietnamese quiz?

Of course the answer is not a regular drink or soy sauce, fish sauce, dipping sauce at all. The answer is WATER FLAG. This is the move of the piece, in terms of influencing the position. This type of water is not drinkable, but “eating” can. Obviously, it’s not difficult, but answering in a short time proves that your mind also “bouncing numbers” very quickly!

Unlike other languages ​​in the world, Vietnamese has a special set of punctuation marks. Just change the sign and we have a word with a completely different meaning. That’s not to mention, Vietnamese has a lot of synonyms, shadow words, slang words, … but that’s not the case. Even Vietnamese people sometimes “disturbed” their brains. With the above question, if you think that the word “eating” is an act of recharging energy to maintain life and growth, you certainly cannot find the answer.

https://afamily.vn/cau-do-tieng-viet-nuoc-gi-khong-uong-duoc-nhung-an-duoc-ngay-ca-nguoi-iq-cao-cung-chua-chac-tra- loi-chinh-sac-20220509211456359.chn

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: Kenh14.Vn – Read the original article here

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