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Many homes using 10 years still put the refrigerator in the wrong place, knowledgeable people will not put this position

The location of the refrigerator in the living room and kitchen

With the change in young people’s lifestyle and the advancement of home decoration, refrigerators will often appear in the dining room and living room. In this case, what is the meaning?

Many homes using 10 years still put the refrigerator in the wrong place, knowledgeable people will not leave this position - Photo 1.

Regarding the placement of the refrigerator according to Feng Shui, Feng Shui Studies have said that: “The evil azimuth is suitable for quiet, not suitable for shock”.

If placed in a negative direction, it will shock the evil stars, and provoke it to cause trouble. The refrigerator should be placed in a good direction (North, Southeast), because the refrigerator is a machine that operates continuously 24/24h.

In addition, do not place the refrigerator opposite or near the kitchen because the hot air from the stove and the cold air from the refrigerator will conflict with each other, which will affect the health of the owner. In addition, it can also cause those inside to not get along.

Note, for people belonging to the Thuy par, if their career is not favorable, they should put a refrigerator at work. In it, you can put water, beer, and ice for career advancement and good fortune.

Many homes with 10 years of use still put the refrigerator in the wrong place, knowledgeable people will not leave this position - Photo 2.

According to the concept of Feng Shui The harmful effects of leaving a refrigerator in the bedroom bring great.

The people of the Moc destiny should not keep the refrigerator near. These people should put the refrigerator in a hidden place of the house.

There are also many people who have the habit of conveniently putting things on the refrigerator, for a long time the top of the refrigerator will become a storage place. This seems to be innocuous, but it actually affects the accumulation of talents. Therefore, it is best to clean the refrigerator, both inside and outside.

Do not keep the refrigerator in the bedroom

Nowadays, due to convenience, many people tend to put a mini-fridge in the bedroom so that it is easy to store things there. However, you do not know that keeping a refrigerator in the bedroom is harmful and often raises the question: Should a refrigerator be placed near the bed?

According to the concept of Feng Shui The harmful effects of leaving a refrigerator in the bedroom bring great.

In terms of science, the way to leave the refrigerator in the bedroom is not beautiful, it works continuously, it is easy to stir up the owner’s sleep at night, affecting the nerves, not good for health.

About Feng ShuiThe refrigerator should not be left in the bedroom because this is a resting space, but the refrigerator belongs to the Kim element, causing disaster for the owner in terms of business, love, etc.

According to Feng ShuiAbsolutely do not put a refrigerator in the bedroom.

Do not put the refrigerator under the stairs

Refrigerators placed under the stairs often appear in families living in small apartments or families with limited housing area.

Refrigerator under the stairs is very taboo in Feng Shuibecause this is a hidden corner without light.

This will affect the homeowner’s business, it will bring bad things in the family’s business.

Many homes using 10 years still put the refrigerator in the wrong place, knowledgeable people will not leave this position - Photo 4.

Refrigerator under the stairs is very taboo in Feng Shuibecause this is a hidden corner without light.

In addition, some places where the refrigerator should not be placed to ensure the safety of the user you also need to remember are:

– So, should the refrigerator be placed near the altar, can the refrigerator be placed under the altar? This is also not advisable because the routine of taking refrigerator items during the day makes the altar space no longer quiet, affecting the gods and ancestors.

– Do not place the refrigerator in a humid place that causes electric shock leakage and wave contamination.

– The position of placing the refrigerator must be flat, to avoid falling or causing unpleasant noises.

– Do not place the refrigerator in front of the kitchen door.

*The information in the article is for reference and contemplation only

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