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Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it’s juicy, growers have great tips!

Melon is one of the familiar fruits and appears a lot in the meals of families in the summer. Melon can be fried or cooked in soup. Each dish cooked from melon will have its own attractive flavor that everyone will love to eat. Besides, melon contains many antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients, fats and minerals. The outstanding feature of melon is that it is rich in carbohydrates and vitamin A, and also contains vitamin B5, potassium, manganese, copper, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C and magnesium. These substances are all very good for health. Melon also helps to clear heat and reduce body heat in the summer.

Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it's juicy, growers have great tips!  - first

When buying melons, you will see there are straight melons, there are also curved, even curved ones. Many people prefer to choose straight fruits because they think that these fruits are easy to peel and taste better. There are also people who choose the curved fruit because they think that the melon is so sweet. So in the end, when choosing a melon, curved or straight fruit is delicious, the grower told me not to choose according to inspiration, refer to the tips below to make sure any fruit you buy is as good as you want it to be.

1. Look at the shape of the fruit

When choosing a melon, you will see that it has two main shapes, straight and curved. Vegetable growers said that melon is a naturally growing vegetable, because it belongs to the family of vines, plus many factors such as light, temperature, fertilization, etc., so it will be slightly curved. Currently on the market there are a lot of straight melons, although they look beautiful, they are most likely to be artificially intervened, such as being sprayed with growth drugs. Therefore, it is best not to buy fruit that is too straight, so choose a slightly curved fruit, the taste will be delicious and sweet.

Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it's juicy, growers have great tips!  - 2

2. Look at the fruit color

In addition to the shape, what catches the eye of the buyer is the color of the loofah. With normal fresh melons, they must be green or dark green. Some people think that lighter colored melons are softer. In fact, it is wrong to think so. Because melon grows naturally, it receives a lot of sunlight during growth, so the color will be darker.

Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it's juicy, growers have great tips!  - 3

3. Look at the flowers at the navel of the melon

When we choose melons, we will see some fruits with a small flower at the center of the fruit, while others are clean and without flowers. Most people think that the flower of the melon symbolizes freshness, we should know that if the melon grows naturally, this flower will fall off after 1 day. And if the flower has not fallen, touching it definitely proves that it is using a preservative or during the growth process, the melon is used a growth stimulant. Therefore, if you see that the melon still has flowers in the belly button, it should be avoided.

Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it's juicy, growers have great tips!  - 5

4. Touching the melon skin

Melon has a slightly rough skin, so when you touch it, there are still lumps like that, indicating that it was just picked, these fruits are fresh, buy them. As for the fruit that is smooth to the touch, the bumps are slightly bruised, indicating that it has been left for a long time and should not be purchased.

Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it's juicy, growers have great tips!  - 6

In addition, when we choose melon, you should also try pressing your hand on the melon and then remove your hand immediately, if it recovers its shape quickly, it means that the fruit has more water. This type of melon is both fresh and nutritious. As for the fruits that are pressed with the hand and feel stiff, it means that it was stinged by a bee or those that press the hand to leave a dent, which cannot be restored to its original state immediately, it means that it has been left for too long, has wilted and lost. water, poor nutrition. So, you should avoid buying these fruits no matter how cheap they are.




– Fresh shrimp, melon, ginger, cooking wine, salt and pepper, scallions, dried onions, salt, cooking oil


– Separate the shrimp head and body, peel the shrimp and remove the black thread, then wash. Add a little cooking wine to marinate for 10 minutes with shrimp to remove the fishy and foul smell.

– Shrimp head washed, also marinated separately with a little wine for aroma.

– Melon peeled, washed, halved and cut into bite-sized pieces.

Put a little oil in the pan, turn on the stove, heat the oil, then pour in the shrimp heads and stir-fry. When the shrimp head turns red, add a little salt and pepper to taste, stir-fry for a while until the shrimp head is cooked and then put in a bowl. At this time, the shrimp head can be eaten directly or added to the soup.

Still in the same pan, add the dried onion, minced ginger and saute until fragrant, then add the shrimp and sauté until it turns pink.

Then, pour the melon into the shrimp pan, stir-fry for about half a minute, add enough water to make soup, boil over high heat for another 5 minutes or until the melon is cooked. If you like, you can drop the previously sautéed shrimp heads in to make the soup sweeter, or eat the shrimp heads separately.

Finally, add a little salt to taste, sprinkle some scallions on top to make it more beautiful, the soup is also more delicious.

Turn off the stove, pour the soup into a bowl and enjoy.

Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it's juicy, growers have great tips!  - 7

2. Clam Soup


– 500 grams of clams, 1 melon (flavorful or slotted loofah… optional), 1 egg, sliced ​​ginger just enough, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 branch of finely chopped scallions


Peeled melon, cut into bite-sized pieces. You can slice or dice to your liking.

Clam bought and soaked in clean water mixed with a little salt to release sand. You can soak with a few slices of clam chili to open your mouth faster. Soak for about 1-2 hours, then take out the clams, wash several times with water and then drain.

Put the clams in a pot with a little water, bring to a boil, then turn off the stove.

Put a sufficient amount of oil in a pot, heat it up, add minced ginger and sauté it until fragrant. Then add the melon with salt to taste, stir until the melon is ripe.

Add water, you should decant the clam boiled water to cook the soup will be more delicious. If lacking, clean water can be added. Add clams.

The soup boils, pour in the beaten eggs, stir gently, just a few minutes the eggs are cooked. Skim off the foam until the soup is clear.

Ladle the clam chowder soup into a bowl and enjoy! You can sprinkle some scallions if you like.

Clam melon soup is inherently cool, adding eggs is extremely delicious and nutritious!

Buy melon should choose straight or curved fruit, it's juicy, growers have great tips!  - 8

Good luck!

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: Eva.vn – Read the original article here

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