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People’s Artist Cong Ly’s 15-year-old wife made floating cakes for the first time, brought out her husband and cried

Refer to how to boil delicious floating cakes, not crushed:

Baking material:

Plain rice flour, glutinous rice flour, fenugreek sugar, roasted sesame, tapioca flour, grapefruit flower essential oil, shredded coconut, green beans, ginger.

Currently, floating cake flour is sold a lot, you can buy it ready. If you knead the dough yourself: mix the rice in the ratio of 8 sticky rice: 2 pieces (adding a little salt is fine). Wet grinding, then, put the dough in a thick cloth bag, hang up to drain. After 1 to 1.5 hours, use your hands to press into the dough, if it is found that the dough is sticky, flexible, and not broken, the dough is just enough.

If you do not knead the dough yourself, you can grind dry flour and then add water slowly until the dough is flexible and does not stick to your hands. Then, incubate the dough in a plastic bag for about 30 minutes and you have a batch of dough to make floating cakes.

Before boiling the cake for about 20 minutes, you should cut the sugar into pieces. As a result, the sugar will have a moderate wetness to avoid being too dry. This way, when boiling the cake, the sugar will also dissolve.

You can buy pre-roasted sesame or buy white sesame seeds to roast yourself at home. When roasting, pay attention to stir quickly until the sesame turns light yellow, then turn off the heat. Stir a little more and then pour the sesame on a plate, spread it thin so that the sesame does not get hot and burn in.

Green beans are put in a basket, peeled, soaked in cold water for about 3 hours. Then, put in the pot, add a little salt and cooked. When the beans are cooked, divide them into 5 parts, one part is kept separate, the rest is mixed with 1 teaspoon of roasted sesame seeds and rounded into balls to make the filling. Ginger is washed, pounded, and squeezed with water.


Step 1: Put each ball of dough with your thumb, spread it evenly in the palm of your hand. When spreading, you should cup your hands so that the dough has a curved, easy to press round.

Step 2: Put sugar in the middle of the dough, gently knead. Pay attention to knead the dough to cover the sugar.

Step 3: Put the cake into the pot to boil. When the cake floats, it means the cake is cooked. Scoop the cake out into a bowl of cold water so it doesn’t stick together. In general, boil the floating cake for about 20 minutes to remove it.

Step 4: Put the cake in a bowl, add coconut, sesame and green beans.

This way of boiling floating cakes does not take too much time, so try it tonight for the whole family to enjoy.

You are reading the article People’s Artist Cong Ly’s 15-year-old wife made floating cakes for the first time, brought out her husband and cried
at Blogtuan.info – Source: Eva.vn – Read the original article here

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