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Every time you do these 11 tips, your productivity will increase and you will be super efficient

1. Do important missions when you are at your best

Productivity expert Tony Wong advises, “Use your mornings to focus on yourself. Start your day by enjoying a delicious breakfast, reading the news, meditating or exercising. This will give you the fuel you need for a productive day.” It’s important to do the most important, focused tasks during your most productive times of the day.

2. Stop multitasking

Many studies show that our productivity can be reduced by up to 40% when multitasking. Stop trying to do everything at once and instead increase your productivity by focusing your whole mind on one task at a time.

3. Prepare a to-do list every night

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A to-do list is a powerful tool to help you increase your productivity. It helps you stay organized, focused, and more satisfied knowing what tasks you’ve accomplished.

Making a to-do list for the next day every night will save you time each morning having to remember what you need to do. Good morning, all you have to do is review the task and complete it.

4. Cut down on your to-do list

How many things do you have on your list? 8 or 28? We often feel content when we write down all the to-dos and cross them off each time we complete a task. However, it will be difficult for you to be most productive when you have a lot of preoccupations.

In the book “Steve Jobs’ valuable leadership lessons”, author Walter Isaacson wrote about how Steve Jobs shared how Apple only produced four lines of computers that saved the company. He also shared how Jobs used to-do lists to increase focus.

Jobs used to take his “top 100 employees” on vacation every year. On the last day of the holiday, he would stand in front of a board and ask, “What are the 10 things we should do next?” The staff will give their suggestions, trying to get them to appear on the board. After debate, the group will come up with a list of 10 things and Jobs will be the one to cross out 7 to keep the 3 most important things.

Focusing means narrowing down your options. So every night as you’re reviewing your to-do list, ask yourself 2 questions:

What is the most important task on this list?

How many of these important tasks can I do or complete?

5. Proper authorization

When you know how to delegate properly, you will be surprised at how quickly work can be done. You will have more time to focus on more important work. The key here is to assign the right task to the right person – someone you trust and know has the skills to do the job. It will take some time to get used to instead of doing everything manually, but you will be surprised how much more effective it is when you know how to delegate properly.

6. Get rid of the things that bother you

When it comes to increasing focus and boosting productivity, don’t forget to get rid of the things that bother you. For a lot of us, it’s social media and email.

To be productive, turn off distractions like email notifications and phone calls when you need to stay focused. If you’re a social media junkie, you can cut down on your time by allowing yourself a certain amount of screen time after completing a big task, then turning it off and back to work.

7. Plan calls

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With a simple change to call management, you’ll increase your productivity. Unless you’re waiting for an important call, turn off your phone when you need to focus on a project. Then set aside a pre-planned time to show all necessary calls. You need to know what to prioritize and when to call.

8. Alternate exercise and work

Studies have shown that physical activity enhances brain function, improves concentration, is more creative, and learns faster.

If you want to get the most out of it, incorporate exercise into your work hours. A study by Leeds Metropolitan University found that 65% of workers who use the company gym during their lunch hour are more productive and have better personal interactions with co-workers than those who don’t. use the gym.

Instead of treating exercise as something we do for ourselves, see physical activity as part of our work, helping to increase productivity, improve personal relationships.

9. Optimism

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Happy people are more productive.

A study by Maastricht University on optimism and performance found that optimists in the participating group sold more products and earned more bonuses. The authors in the study defined optimism as expecting and believing in better outcomes.

If you’re not a natural optimist, this is definitely something you can cultivate.

10. Get enough sleep

In a survey conducted by Dr., clinical psychologist William A. Anthony, 70% of Americans admitted to having fallen asleep at work.

We all know that lack of sleep has negative effects on performance. Lack of sleep reduces our ability to concentrate, calculate as well as reason logically. Just one night of lack of sleep can significantly affect the decrease in work productivity.

According to the recommendations of the National Sleep Foundation, if you are between the ages of 26 and 64, the amount of sleep each night should be 7-9 hours. In case that’s not enough, naps and naps during the day can help boost productivity.

11. Last “small but martial” tip

But certainly equally important is taking care of yourself. Get enough sleep and exercise are two of the daily habits to be able to work at its best. The rest are:

Healthy diet.

Drink a lot of water.

Get rid of bad habits like smoking or hanging around toxic people.

Be kind to yourself as well as to others. Take time for yourself and do whatever (healthy) thing makes you more positive.

The healthier you are, the more productive you are, and the more productive you are, the more time you have to do the things you want to do.

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