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Before the age of 6, children with high IQ often exhibit these 4 clear characteristics

The first 6 years of life is a “golden” period in the development of a child. At this age, intelligent children with high IQ will often possess some obvious characteristics, this has been studied and concluded by a professor of psychology at Boston University, USA. .

Let’s take a look at the following characteristics and notice which ones your child has:

1. High concentration ability

To assess whether a child has a high IQ, parents should observe whether the child can concentrate while learning and having fun. Usually, when the child is under the age of 6, most parents are concerned about whether the child is healthy or not and pay little attention to the other skills of the child because they think this stage is too early.

Before the age of 6, children with high IQ often show these 4 clear characteristics, parents should pay more attention to fostering more intelligent children - Photo 1.

A child’s ability to concentrate will develop gradually over time, but with children with high IQ, through daily activities, children will clearly show their intelligence. For example, children often stare at things they like or focus and patiently complete a game without any outside interference.

Experts say that the more focused children are, the more intelligent they will be when they grow up.

2. Good memory

Ordinary children will hardly remember too many images and events that happened in childhood. However, if parents realize that their children have the ability to remember acquaintances or people they have only met a couple of times, events that happened a long time ago, remember the way, the location of things, etc., those are all signs. proves that your child is very intelligent and has a well-functioning brain.

3. Good at imitating

Children learn and understand the world through imitation. From a young age, children will imitate the expressions of adults, when they grow up, children will learn to follow the actions and words of those around them. Children who from an early age have the ability to perfectly copy the emotions, words or actions of others are judged to be children who tend to grasp quickly and have higher IQs than other children.

Before the age of 6, children with high IQ often show these 4 clear characteristics, parents should pay more attention to fostering more intelligent children - Photo 2.

Imitation is not an unconscious act. This not only requires children to have good observation skills, but also requires a certain degree of hand, eye and brain coordination. Imitation is also a way for children to learn skills and discover things they don’t know, thereby helping them develop thinking and become smarter.

4. Curious

Experts have found that children with high IQs show particularly strong curiosity from an early age. This manifests itself in strange, even silly, questions about the world around them. At this time, parents should not be upset or irritable because these are in fact manifestations of curiosity.

Children love to explore the world, they will be curious about the unknown, especially after they can talk, they will constantly ask their parents questions every day. The more curious, the more children love to explore and want to ask questions about everything, which proves that they have a good sense of observation and the brain is constantly working. At that time, parents need to answer patiently in order for their child to maintain interest in the world around them.

What should parents do to develop IQ for their children?

1. Make sure your baby gets enough sleep

Studies have shown that sleep duration and sleep quality have a profound effect on human intellectual development, therefore, children’s sleep is very important.

Keeping children comfortable sleep will help secrete growth hormone faster, from which the brain will develop faster, have a higher IQ.

2. Let children listen to music, practice drawing

Before the age of 6, children with high IQ often show these 4 clear characteristics, parents should pay more attention to fostering more intelligent children - Photo 3.

Psychologists show that when children respond to music, their brains become more developed. When listening to music, the central nervous system will simultaneously control the movement, vision and hearing systems, helping the brain to “practice yoga”.

In addition, drawing is also a good way to develop children’s right brain. This subject not only helps practice actions, but also trains listening, visual perception and language comprehension. Parents can often take their children to places such as museums, zoos, and tourist attractions to practice good habits of children’s painting, thereby stimulating thinking, helping children to be smart and creative. than.

3. Play more games with kids

German scientists have confirmed that children who regularly participate in games have a larger prefrontal cortex volume than normal children. The prefrontal cortex is known as the control and execution center of the brain, the larger the volume of the prefrontal cortex, the more intelligent the brain of the child. Therefore, it has also been confirmed that playing games can promote children’s brain development.

(According to Aboluowang)

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