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Is it good to eat kale and who should not eat it?

first The origin and characteristics of kale

1.1. Source

Kangkung is a plant whose scientific name is Ipomoea aquatica, belongs to the family Convolvulaceae. Currently the origin of this vegetable is still a mystery, because it is now widely grown in tropical and subtropical countries. Vietnam is a country that grows a lot of kale, this vegetable is also very popular and often appears in the daily diet.

1.2. Characteristics

– About the stem: Kangkung is a herbaceous plant that grows on the ground or on the surface of water. Their bodies are hollow inside, often hairy on the body (in winter, there is no summer).

– About the leaves: Morning glory leaves are green, elongated in shape and gradually lead to the tip of the leaf. The surface of the leaf has faint veins, there is a central vein that runs from the petiole to the tip of the leaf.

– About flowers: Kangkung has the ability to flower. The flowers of the plant are purple-pink, sometimes white. Flowers grow individually on the stem, when the flowers wither have the ability to produce fruit. Vegetable plant fruit 6-8mm in diameter, contains small seeds inside.

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1.3. What is English spinach?

Kangkung has an English name called Water Spinach, although they are not related to Spinach, nor even belong to the Amaranth family.

2 Classification of kale in Vietnam

Usually, in our country, there are two main types of morning glories.

– White kale: is a vegetable that grows on land, grows on the ground.

– Kangkung: is a vegetable that grows in water, its leaves grow on the surface of the water.

Regardless of the type of kale, they all have the same effect, are very beneficial to human health, and contain many beneficial nutrients.

3 The nutritional composition of kale

The nutritional value in 100g of kale includes the following substances:

– Water: 92%

– Lipids: 0.2g

– Protein: 2.6g

– Carbs: 3.1g

– Fiber: 2.1g

– Sodium: 113mg

– Potassium: 312mg

– Iron: 1.7mg

– Calcium: 77mg

– Magnesium: 71mg

– Vitamin A: 315 mcg

– Vitamin C: 55mg

– Vitamin B6: 0.1g

In addition, kale also contains many other nutrients that are good for human health.

4 What are the health benefits of spinach?

Thanks to the rich nutritional content, kale brings very beneficial effects to users, which can be mentioned as follows:

4.1. Lowers cholesterol

Water spinach is the right choice for those who want to lower cholesterol naturally. A study has proven that eating kale will significantly lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Thanks to that, we will avoid the risk of blood fats and related diseases.

4.2. Treatment of liver damage

Kale was once used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat jaundice and liver problems in humans. A study has proven that vegetable extracts can protect the body from liver damage caused by many agents such as chemicals, free radicals, oxidized cells, etc.

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4.3. Supports anemia treatment

Kangkung is very deliciousIt is rich in iron, so it is very beneficial for people with iron deficiency anemia, as well as pregnant women who need iron supplements in their daily diet. Iron is a very important mineral needed by the body, especially red blood cells because it is a substance that helps the formation of hemoglobin.

4.4. Treatment of indigestion and constipation

Kale is rich in fiber, so it is very supportive of digestion, helping users reduce the symptoms of indigestion naturally. The mild laxative properties of vegetables are also beneficial for humans suffer from indigestion and chronic constipation. Vegetable juice is also used as a medicine to kill worms and stomach bacteria.

4.5. Diabetes prevention

Research has proven that, eating kale regularly will help the body develop resistance to fight oxidative stress caused by diabetes. Pregnant women with diabetes are also advised to consume this vegetable every day.

4.6. Prevent cardiovascular disease

Kale contains a number of important nutrients for the body such as vitamins A and C, as well as very high levels of beta-carotene. These nutrients act like antioxidants, working to reduce free radicals that occur in the body. This will prevent the risk of clogged arteries, heart attack or stroke caused by cardiovascular disease.

In addition, the abundant folate content in kale will help metabolize a harmful chemical called homocysteine, which can cause heart attacks or strokes if accumulated in high concentrations.

4.7. Cancer Prevention

Kangkung contains up to 13 different types of antioxidant compounds, it is the perfect food to prevent cancer. These antioxidants are known to actually remove free radicals from the body, thereby changing the conditions in which cancer cells can multiply. This vegetable is said to be most beneficial in preventing colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, etc.

4.8. Beneficial for the eyes

Kale is rich in carotenoids, vitamin A, and lutein. These nutrients are very important for eye health. These vegetables also increase glutathione levels, which play an important role in preventing cataracts in the eye.

4.9. Boost your immune system

Use kale will regularly help you to strengthen your immune system and promote healthy tissue and bone growth. It also contributes to the health of our body by neutralizing and removing toxins that accumulate in the body.

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4.10. Fight aging

INEXPENSIVEMorning Glory is rich in antioxidants that can help prevent damage to cells in the body by free radicals, make skin cells more resistant to damage from sun exposure, sunlight, and minimize wrinkles to a moderate level. As a result, the body will reverse the aging process, making the skin more beautiful and youthful.

4.11. Treatment of skin diseases

INEXPENSIVEKangkung can also be used to make a poultice to treat skin diseases such as skin fungus, rashes, boils, … This vegetable is also used in Acne treatmenteczema and psoriasis.

4.12. Help detox

Kangkung is pregnant It has healing and detoxifying properties, so it can help relieve itching and flush out toxins if you are bitten by an insect.

5 How many calories in spinach? Does eating help you lose weight?

According to the US Department of Agriculture the USDA has researched and shown that, every 100g of kale will contain about 18.9 kcal. This is a relatively low energy level, so it won’t lead to excess energy, making you overweight or obese.

In addition, the high fiber and vitamin content in vegetables will help you lose weight naturally. As long as the daily diet is reasonable, does not contain much oily food, lots of green vegetables and fruits. At the same time, you need to exercise regularly to enhance the natural weight loss effect.

6 Is it good to eat a lot of kale?

Although it has many health benefits, like many other vegetables, if you eat too many vegetables, it can carry many potential health risks.

6.1. Stimulate cell proliferation, make keloid scars

If you have an open wound and it is in the process of healing. Regular use of kale will stimulate cell proliferation in the body, making scars heal faster. But in return, your scar will be convex and very unsightly.

6.2. Causes stomach pain, diarrhea

This is quite rare, but not unheard of. Because kale in winter will grow a lot of hair on its body, if you don’t clean the vegetables before processing it will be easy to come across a kind of coincidence. Fasciolopsis buski is a parasite on vegetables. It makes you suffer from stomach ache, diarrhea, indigestion, …

6.3. Ineffective medication treatment

If you are taking medications prescribed by your doctor, or Eastern medicine, you absolutely should not use morning glory. That’s because the vegetables will remove all the effects of the drug, rendering your medication ineffective.

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7 Who can’t eat kale?

Some people in the following groups should not use kale regularly, because it has many potential side effects that are harmful to health.

7.1. People with open wounds

As mentioned above, if you suffer from an open wound, in the process of recovery, you should not eat kale. Because it will cause the body to increase cell proliferation, heal scars quickly, but make scars stand out, dark and very unsightly.

7.2. People with gout

People with gout should absolutely not eat kale in their daily diet. Because vegetables contain oxalic acid which can inhibit the absorption of calcium and zinc into the body. This makes gout worse.

7.3. People with kidney stones

Kale increases the calcium oxalate content in the body because the calcium content in vegetables is quite high. Since then, the patient with kidney stones will not be able to remove the stone, the stone will increase in size, forcing the patient to undergo surgical intervention.

7.4. People with bone and joint disease

Patients suffering from joint pain, arthritis, … The use of kale will worsen the condition, the pain will also be more intense.

7.5. People with a weak intestinal system

Kale is often grown mainly in ponds and lakes, so it contains a lot of parasites and bacteria if not washed and treated carefully. Therefore, people with a weak intestinal system will be prone to stomach pain, diarrhea, and even poisoning if the kale is not very clean.

8 Is eating kale harmful to the eyes?

Kangkung contains high levels of beta carotene and vitamin A, so it is very beneficial for eye health. In addition, this vegetable also helps increase levels of glutathione, a substance that plays an important role in preventing cataracts in the eye.

9 Can eating kale get rid of milk?

Currently, there are no documents or scientific studies that prove that eating kale every day causes the mother to lose breast milk after giving birth. Therefore, you can fully use vegetables normally without having to worry about possible loss of milk.

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